Chewing Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes getting Non-Tobacco rates

Prudential, Lincoln National and John Hancock are the best life insurance carriers for people who use tobacco but don’t smoke cigarettes.   You can get non tobacco rates with all three.  Prudential even allows one rate category better called “Non-Smoker Plus”,  if you otherwise qualify.  John Hancock and Prudential also lets those who chew nicotine gum or have nicotine patches.   Lincoln National allows even better rates for occasional cigar users: preferred plus if 12 or less per year, and preferred if 24 or less per year.   You have to admit tobacco usage on the application to qualify for these rates.  Honesty is the best policy.

Tobacco usage is a moving target for the best life insurance rates.  Carriers periodically change their rules.  I get updates on all the carriers about twice a year and check specifically when an individual cases come up.