Health Credits for Better Life Insurance Rates: Table Shave Upgrade to Offset Health Problems


Certain life insurance carriers allow standard rates for those with below average health.  It’s called a table shave program.  Carriers also will upgrade rate classification with health and lifestyle credits.  For those who have experience health problems, these rate classification upgrades can save a good deal of money on premiums, especially if a rated case gets to standard.

Top carriers 

Table 3 to Standard  (permanent plans only)


Notable for Carrier Credits 

AXA          Good Health Credit Program
Banner      InTOUCH Underwriting
Mutual of Omaha      Fit Program    (United of Omaha)

Credits may include:

Preferred or better build; regular preventative care; optimal blood pressure control treated or untreated; lifetime non smoker; history of non-tobacco use, no tobacco in the last 10 years; no family history or death from disease prior to age 70, both parents surviving to age 75, family history of longevity; cholesterol/HDL ratio less than or equal to 5.0, or less than or equal to 4.5; regular exercise; cancer screenings such as colon cancer, and other routine preventative age and gender screenings such as pap smear, mammography, prostate exams; negative cardiac testing; recent negative treadmill; lifestyle changes and improved health habits.

Please contact me for a free and confidential quote.

sean's profile picLicensed Agent:  Sean Drummey
phone:  (910) 328-0447

Sleeping pills as life threatening and impact on life insurance rates

news report came out last week on a class of drugs called hypnotics that includes Ambien and Lunesta, to a much higher risk of cancer and dying prematurely.  Even using these drugs occasionally appears dangerous.  The doctor who conducted the study Dr. Daniel F. Kripke has concluded that taking them is not worth the risk.

Perhaps this is an over reach.  The study was not a peer reviewed.   The statistics imply a causal relationship, but many other health factors may be involved.

For insomniacs, there are tips for better sleep habits.   If it was just a matter of some following a routine, I’m sure there wouldn’t be so many people taking sleeping pills.  One avenue to explore is understanding the body’s natural clock, the circadian rhythm.  I highly recommend Jeremy Campbell’s “Winston Churchill’s Afternoon Nap” which gives many insights into how our biological clocks work.

Impact on Life Insurance Underwriting
In itself taking a sleeping pills for insomnia would not affect life insurance rates.  One still could qualify to preferred and preferred best rate.   Underwriters will be looking to see if the underlying cause of taking the sleep aid is anxiety or depression.   That would be determined on a case by case basis by reviewing the applicant’s medical records.